Wednesday, 19 October 2011

what makes you beautiful?

What makes you beautiful?

There are so many people who spend so much time in beauty parlor to look beautiful and handsome.
A girl before going out spends so much time to get ready, what does she do? She will cleanse her face with cleansing milk, then use skin toner, then face message, and apply some face pack, then get dressed up. After that she will apply eye liner, eye mascara, eye brows. Then she will select matching bangles, matching ear rings, matching hand bag, matching foot wear and then go out.

And even a guy, he might not take the same amount of time the woman takes but will also spend much time in 
getting ready. He spends most of his time in making hair, and selecting dress.
Yes, this make you look beautiful and handsome. I want to ask you how long will this make-up lasts? For 1 hour, 2 hours, 5 hours, 10 hours, 12 hours or 24 hours. The truth is it will fade and is gone, then you come back to the same place.

If a girl has not done any make-up she will barely go out of the house and if her husband take her out because of urgent work (especially party), he has to listen to her lovely words for the rest of the day. She will say, that woman was wearing that sari, that woman was wearing that jewelry, that woman was made her hair straight and other curly . . . . . . .

What makes you beautiful?

I will tell you what makes you beautiful. First of all beauty comes from within you. You may apply everything and look beautiful but it’s temporary. You see the actress without make-up; I think you will run from them.  The joy in your heart and peace in mind will make your face glow.
You see Bible talks about some handsome men, I wander which beauty parlor did they go to? 

 Bible says when Samuel looks David; he was handsome: he was coming from field, gazing his father flock all day. But he was handsome.
             Samson, before he dying the people around him saw that his face was like a face of an angle. A guy who was bound and people were accusing him ad stoning him to death. He was handsome as an angle.
             Moses, when he was born, his mother saw him that he was fine, when he came from the Mt. Sinai, the people of Israelites could not see his face. He did not eat for 40 days and nights, still his face was shining

They all went to the beauty parlor that is the presence of God. If you can spend time with the Lord, you face will be bright as Moses’ and people who looks at you they see your face as an angle and you will be handsome.

This is the cheapest beauty parlor on earth but what it costs is your willingness to go and sit there patiently at the feet of Jesus. Sit there until his glory falls on you and you become a radiant person.


1.    You will be the carrier of God’s glory.

2.      Demons will flee at your presence

3.     Sick people will be healed when your shadow falls on them.

4.      People will see you as a beautiful girl and handsome man

I pray that God will give you and me a grace to seek Him and soak in Him.

With much love,
Jeevan and Leena.

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