Sunday, 16 October 2011

A true story - Lost a soul

A true story:

There was a man in Karnataka, India. This person was very much addicted to the things of the world like smoking, drinking, drugs and gambling. . . . . . One day he met a girl, fell in love with her and then both decided to get married so one fine day they got married.

He thought after his marriage he will change but by then he was fully bounded by the addiction very badly that it was difficult for him to come out of it. They were going through so many problems in the family because of his habits. His wife tried to get him out of it with every means possible but failed in doing so.

One day he met his old friend but his friend had newly received Jesus as his Lord and savior (born-again) Christian, they both exchanged their wishes and talked some general talk. Has they were talking Spirit of God spoke to his Christian guy to introduce Jesus to him but he thought, ‘I am new believer if I say about Jesus will he receive my word. . . . . . . . . Gave all the excuses why he will not tell him about Jesus’, so he did not share and went on his way to church as usual to worship God.

Next morning this Christian guy gets a call saying that ‘His friend has committed suicide yesterday’! This Christian boy’s heart was broken. He was very sorry for him but his sorry could not get his friend back! This Christian guy missed his friend forever. It does not matter whether you are a newly born again Christian or very old. Preaching Jesus is a command for everyone! And you have to obey His command! Or else you too might have to regret one day for missing your loved ones.

As a child of God we have the bread of life (Jesus Christ), we have living water (Jesus Christ), we have the Savior (Jesus Christ), we have the Healer (Jesus Christ), we have the deliverer (Jesus Christ), and we have the provider (Jesus Christ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . The world is hungry, the world is thirsty, and the world is in need, the world is in sickness, the world is in bondage. Jesus is the only answer for all the problems!

People are dying without Jesus Christ every day and you have the Gospel of Jesus Christ which is the ultimate solution! What are you doing with what you have?

Turn around and see the people around you, if God is speaking to you. Please obey God. Understand the heart cry of God. He is concerned about every single soul. Let your ears be open to hear His cry! Do what God wants you to do!

God still asks you, who will go for Me and whom shall I send? Can you be Isaiah for this generation and say Lord send me here I am send me Lord!


I pray that we all will have a heart cry of God for the perishing souls. We will all have burden of God!

With the cry for souls,
Jeevan and Leena

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