Monday, 3 October 2011


Temptation is very common to very person born in this earth, without any difference between our backgrounds, our cultures, our education, rich or poor, any skinned color. We all are tempted!

There is a wicked devil out in the world whose nick name is also called tempter, he tempts us. Bible says in John 8:44: He is a liar and father of lies, when he opens his mouth his speaks his native language(lies)

Gen 1:27: In the beginning when God created everything, God created man and woman in
His own and likeness.

Gen 3: Bible says that the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals God had created, He came to the woman and said, Did God told you not to eat from any tree in the garden?, the woman replied, God did told us to eat fruit in the garden but not from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, if we eat we will die.

Immediately the serpent replied 'no you will not surly die'! A lie!. When she heard a lie of the serpent, she believed the serpent and sinned against true Living God. After they sinned against God, they went and hid themselves from God. The devil left them and he did not bother them all the days of their life.

But God came in search of man to the garden of Eden and called 'Adam, where are you? what do you think, God did not know where Adam was? God knew exactly where they were but God asked them because God wanted Adam to know where he is! God created him in His own likeness, He searched for Adam there but could not find him, Adam was not there where he was kept.

When you listen to the lie of the devil and sin against God, you become slave to that sin and the devil will not bother you too. when you are in sin and continue to sin you become slave to it,  the devil don't mind you getting anything as far as he can keep you away from your Creator. You might have given up on God but He has not given up on you.

John 10:10: The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full(thief is devil). Jesus said I have come to give you life and in abundance.
Luke 19:10: For the Son of Man (Jesus) came to seek and to save the lost.”

The truth is we all are tempted, everyday, every moment. but whom will you obey? the lie of the tempter or True Living God?

If you have fallen in sin, I have a good news that God is still in search of you. He came to the place where you are living and calling you by name. hear Him, repent of your wrong doings and come to Him so that He(Jesus) can cloth you with His Righteousness.

He invites you no matter what you have done, how big sin you have committed? he says come to me. . . .  I will give you rest!

Today is your day, return from your sin and come back to God!

Jesus loves you. . . He cares for you. . . .

Jeevan and Leena

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