Thursday, 27 October 2011

Open Heaven

Open Heavens:

Jesus’ birth was not an accident but it was told by prophets many hundreds of years ago. When Jesus was in the earth He was like one among you and me, He had the same feeling that you have, He was 100% man though He was 100% God. He lived with His parents for 30yrs served them faithfully until His time for ministry had fully come.
Before He started His earthly ministry, Luke 3:21-22: He too went and took baptism from John the Baptist. Why did He take baptism? To fulfill all righteousness Matt 3:15:

What happened after Jesus was baptized?

He prayed: This is the first time it is recorded as Jesus prayed in Luke’s gospel, but He prayed. ‘Jesus being the Son of God prayed!’ So many people have so many definitions about prayer and good bible study notes about prayer. You know what prayer is, you were taught all your life to pray.

What happened when Jesus prayed?

1.      Heavens were Opened:
When Jesus prayed creation responded and was opened, the unusual thing    happened in God’s creation; His prayer had power to influence the creation.

2.      Holy Spirit came on Him:
His prayer had power to bring the Holy Spirit down and fall on Him. When He prayed the Holy Spirit moved.

3.      A voice came from heaven:

When Jesus prayed, God spoke and said, this is my beloved son, whom I love and with Him I am well pleased. Jesus was not introduced by His parents, nor neighbors, nor relatives, or by any man but when He prayed God introduced Jesus to the world and said this is my beloved son.

What happens when you pray?

Suddenly you get a phone call and you are busy answering them or some sister sit for prayer as soon as they sit the cooker in the kitchen whistles, or you will get a knock on your door or some people keep on looking their watch when my clock will finish its one hour race. . . . . .

Why Jesus’ prayer made God to respond and creation to react?

The only reason I see is, Jesus had such a close relationship with God that whenever Jesus said ‘Father’ I believe all the creation must be waiting to act on His words. What makes your prayer powerful is your relation with God.

I pray as you spend time with God in prayer, you too will experience open heavens, and you too will experience the move of the Spirit of God in you and through you and you too will experience God speaking to you and about you to the world.

God Bless you,

With Love,
Jeevan and Leena

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

what makes you beautiful?

What makes you beautiful?

There are so many people who spend so much time in beauty parlor to look beautiful and handsome.
A girl before going out spends so much time to get ready, what does she do? She will cleanse her face with cleansing milk, then use skin toner, then face message, and apply some face pack, then get dressed up. After that she will apply eye liner, eye mascara, eye brows. Then she will select matching bangles, matching ear rings, matching hand bag, matching foot wear and then go out.

And even a guy, he might not take the same amount of time the woman takes but will also spend much time in 
getting ready. He spends most of his time in making hair, and selecting dress.
Yes, this make you look beautiful and handsome. I want to ask you how long will this make-up lasts? For 1 hour, 2 hours, 5 hours, 10 hours, 12 hours or 24 hours. The truth is it will fade and is gone, then you come back to the same place.

If a girl has not done any make-up she will barely go out of the house and if her husband take her out because of urgent work (especially party), he has to listen to her lovely words for the rest of the day. She will say, that woman was wearing that sari, that woman was wearing that jewelry, that woman was made her hair straight and other curly . . . . . . .

What makes you beautiful?

I will tell you what makes you beautiful. First of all beauty comes from within you. You may apply everything and look beautiful but it’s temporary. You see the actress without make-up; I think you will run from them.  The joy in your heart and peace in mind will make your face glow.
You see Bible talks about some handsome men, I wander which beauty parlor did they go to? 

 Bible says when Samuel looks David; he was handsome: he was coming from field, gazing his father flock all day. But he was handsome.
             Samson, before he dying the people around him saw that his face was like a face of an angle. A guy who was bound and people were accusing him ad stoning him to death. He was handsome as an angle.
             Moses, when he was born, his mother saw him that he was fine, when he came from the Mt. Sinai, the people of Israelites could not see his face. He did not eat for 40 days and nights, still his face was shining

They all went to the beauty parlor that is the presence of God. If you can spend time with the Lord, you face will be bright as Moses’ and people who looks at you they see your face as an angle and you will be handsome.

This is the cheapest beauty parlor on earth but what it costs is your willingness to go and sit there patiently at the feet of Jesus. Sit there until his glory falls on you and you become a radiant person.


1.    You will be the carrier of God’s glory.

2.      Demons will flee at your presence

3.     Sick people will be healed when your shadow falls on them.

4.      People will see you as a beautiful girl and handsome man

I pray that God will give you and me a grace to seek Him and soak in Him.

With much love,
Jeevan and Leena.

Please leave your comments.

Sunday, 16 October 2011

A true story - Lost a soul

A true story:

There was a man in Karnataka, India. This person was very much addicted to the things of the world like smoking, drinking, drugs and gambling. . . . . . One day he met a girl, fell in love with her and then both decided to get married so one fine day they got married.

He thought after his marriage he will change but by then he was fully bounded by the addiction very badly that it was difficult for him to come out of it. They were going through so many problems in the family because of his habits. His wife tried to get him out of it with every means possible but failed in doing so.

One day he met his old friend but his friend had newly received Jesus as his Lord and savior (born-again) Christian, they both exchanged their wishes and talked some general talk. Has they were talking Spirit of God spoke to his Christian guy to introduce Jesus to him but he thought, ‘I am new believer if I say about Jesus will he receive my word. . . . . . . . . Gave all the excuses why he will not tell him about Jesus’, so he did not share and went on his way to church as usual to worship God.

Next morning this Christian guy gets a call saying that ‘His friend has committed suicide yesterday’! This Christian boy’s heart was broken. He was very sorry for him but his sorry could not get his friend back! This Christian guy missed his friend forever. It does not matter whether you are a newly born again Christian or very old. Preaching Jesus is a command for everyone! And you have to obey His command! Or else you too might have to regret one day for missing your loved ones.

As a child of God we have the bread of life (Jesus Christ), we have living water (Jesus Christ), we have the Savior (Jesus Christ), we have the Healer (Jesus Christ), we have the deliverer (Jesus Christ), and we have the provider (Jesus Christ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . The world is hungry, the world is thirsty, and the world is in need, the world is in sickness, the world is in bondage. Jesus is the only answer for all the problems!

People are dying without Jesus Christ every day and you have the Gospel of Jesus Christ which is the ultimate solution! What are you doing with what you have?

Turn around and see the people around you, if God is speaking to you. Please obey God. Understand the heart cry of God. He is concerned about every single soul. Let your ears be open to hear His cry! Do what God wants you to do!

God still asks you, who will go for Me and whom shall I send? Can you be Isaiah for this generation and say Lord send me here I am send me Lord!


I pray that we all will have a heart cry of God for the perishing souls. We will all have burden of God!

With the cry for souls,
Jeevan and Leena

Thursday, 13 October 2011

who is your king?

Who is your king?

King is the one who rules, reigns, owns, masters . . . . . .

Who is your king?

You know almost every nation had a king and every king had his kingdom! King is the one who inherits the position by right of birth or made king because of the circumstances.

There are two kingdoms in the worlds and each kingdom has a king;
  1. Jesus (God)
  2. Satan
God is Holy, and righteous. In Him there is no sin at all. He is the creator of everything that is visible and invisible. Bible says everything in heaven and earth and under the earth was created by Him Col 1:15.  In other words He owns everything!He is the Lord.

Bible says this God made man in His own image and likeness, He is in the kingdom of God and His king (God) was enjoying to see His creation playing in the garden He had made but one day man sinned against God by doing things that God told him not to do.

At that moment man was separated from God and therefore man became slave to sin and satan.
But Jesus (God) came to earth 2000 years ago, and He lived a holy and blameless life paid the price for all mankind’s sin once for all by giving Himself as a substitute taking our sin and He died on the cross and rose from the dead on the 3rd day and is alive forevermore. He defeated sin and satan. Thank God for all the Christians know this truth!

After knowing this truth, after receiving this truth can I ask you, who is you King?
If Jesus is your king, why are you still living in your sin? If Jesus is the God of your life, why there are still the deeds of darkness in you?

Bible says ‘If Christ has set you free, you are free indeed’ John 8:36. Before receiving Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you were under sin and it reigned over you, but after you are born again you are still doing what you are doing because you wanted to do it! Don’t blame others or situations!
Child of God, who is your King? What is mastering you? Who and what is over taking your life?

If you don’t see Jesus as your king, come back now! He is waiting for you. Surrender your life to Jesus. Ask the Holy Spirit to take over your life.

Come on start your life all over again with Jesus. He is the King of kings and Lord of lords. . . . .

God Bless you

With Love
Jeevan and Leena.

please leave your comments

Monday, 3 October 2011


Temptation is very common to very person born in this earth, without any difference between our backgrounds, our cultures, our education, rich or poor, any skinned color. We all are tempted!

There is a wicked devil out in the world whose nick name is also called tempter, he tempts us. Bible says in John 8:44: He is a liar and father of lies, when he opens his mouth his speaks his native language(lies)

Gen 1:27: In the beginning when God created everything, God created man and woman in
His own and likeness.

Gen 3: Bible says that the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals God had created, He came to the woman and said, Did God told you not to eat from any tree in the garden?, the woman replied, God did told us to eat fruit in the garden but not from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, if we eat we will die.

Immediately the serpent replied 'no you will not surly die'! A lie!. When she heard a lie of the serpent, she believed the serpent and sinned against true Living God. After they sinned against God, they went and hid themselves from God. The devil left them and he did not bother them all the days of their life.

But God came in search of man to the garden of Eden and called 'Adam, where are you? what do you think, God did not know where Adam was? God knew exactly where they were but God asked them because God wanted Adam to know where he is! God created him in His own likeness, He searched for Adam there but could not find him, Adam was not there where he was kept.

When you listen to the lie of the devil and sin against God, you become slave to that sin and the devil will not bother you too. when you are in sin and continue to sin you become slave to it,  the devil don't mind you getting anything as far as he can keep you away from your Creator. You might have given up on God but He has not given up on you.

John 10:10: The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full(thief is devil). Jesus said I have come to give you life and in abundance.
Luke 19:10: For the Son of Man (Jesus) came to seek and to save the lost.”

The truth is we all are tempted, everyday, every moment. but whom will you obey? the lie of the tempter or True Living God?

If you have fallen in sin, I have a good news that God is still in search of you. He came to the place where you are living and calling you by name. hear Him, repent of your wrong doings and come to Him so that He(Jesus) can cloth you with His Righteousness.

He invites you no matter what you have done, how big sin you have committed? he says come to me. . . .  I will give you rest!

Today is your day, return from your sin and come back to God!

Jesus loves you. . . He cares for you. . . .

Jeevan and Leena