Hi dear friends,
Greetings to you all in Jesus name, hope all is well with you.
As a Pastor of church, this question was there in my heart, how will my church grow? I tried my very best to see the church grow, thank God! God started to bless our church, but this was always there in me why the church is not growing as it did in 1st century?
I started to dig things from the book of Acts, I started learning, what they did? how they did? when they did? what were their priorities?
We all know that after the death of Jesus Christ the disciples scared and hid themselves from the Jews, they did not show off, they all were in a room.Suddenly Jesus appeared and gave them final instructions. They obeyed what was said to them, I believe if we can do what they did we'll get what they got.
The only thing what they did was, Waiting in Jerusalem for the promised Holy Spirit:
Bible says that 120 people were gathered and waiting for the promise of God.
how important it is to wait in the presence of God, for the things of God. I think many a times we fail to do this very important thing. How many times we preachers depend on our experience rather than waiting and getting a word for the people of God. some preachers think after we go to meeting place, God will speak to us and we can make a sermon out of it. so many people have so many ways of doing things, its not wrong but when we don't wait in the presence of God before we serve God's people, that's wrong!
What happened when they waited?
1. Filled with the Holy Spirit.
2. Filled with Power.
3. Filled with boldness.
They preached with great boldness that Jesus is the Lord and He is risen from the dead , God confirmed their words with miracles, signs and wonders, God added to their number daily those who were being saved.
What was their secret?
(Acts 2:42-44)
1. Devoted themselves(gave themselves)
2. Apostles teachings(Hearing Word of God)
3. Fellowship with God.
4. Breaking of bread (Remembering Christ)
5. Prayer(Talking & listening to God)
They did this daily, and God added to their number DAILY.
I pray that God will give us grace to seek Him and to be soaked in His presence, as we seek Him, God will empower us and confirm our words with miracles, signs and wonders. Everywhere we go, we will be the carrier of God's Glory.
God Bless you
Love you,
Jeevan & Leena
Greetings to you all in Jesus name, hope all is well with you.
As a Pastor of church, this question was there in my heart, how will my church grow? I tried my very best to see the church grow, thank God! God started to bless our church, but this was always there in me why the church is not growing as it did in 1st century?
I started to dig things from the book of Acts, I started learning, what they did? how they did? when they did? what were their priorities?
We all know that after the death of Jesus Christ the disciples scared and hid themselves from the Jews, they did not show off, they all were in a room.Suddenly Jesus appeared and gave them final instructions. They obeyed what was said to them, I believe if we can do what they did we'll get what they got.
The only thing what they did was, Waiting in Jerusalem for the promised Holy Spirit:
Bible says that 120 people were gathered and waiting for the promise of God.
how important it is to wait in the presence of God, for the things of God. I think many a times we fail to do this very important thing. How many times we preachers depend on our experience rather than waiting and getting a word for the people of God. some preachers think after we go to meeting place, God will speak to us and we can make a sermon out of it. so many people have so many ways of doing things, its not wrong but when we don't wait in the presence of God before we serve God's people, that's wrong!
What happened when they waited?
1. Filled with the Holy Spirit.
2. Filled with Power.
3. Filled with boldness.
They preached with great boldness that Jesus is the Lord and He is risen from the dead , God confirmed their words with miracles, signs and wonders, God added to their number daily those who were being saved.
What was their secret?
(Acts 2:42-44)
1. Devoted themselves(gave themselves)
2. Apostles teachings(Hearing Word of God)
3. Fellowship with God.
4. Breaking of bread (Remembering Christ)
5. Prayer(Talking & listening to God)
They did this daily, and God added to their number DAILY.
I pray that God will give us grace to seek Him and to be soaked in His presence, as we seek Him, God will empower us and confirm our words with miracles, signs and wonders. Everywhere we go, we will be the carrier of God's Glory.
God Bless you
Love you,
Jeevan & Leena
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