Tuesday, 30 August 2011


Hi Dear friends,

I was studying the book of Ephesians and as I started it, I came to verse 4 it says; He has chosen us in Him(Jesus Christ) before the creation of the world to be blameless and Holy.

He chose you, It dose not matter who you are? What is your family back ground? What is your educational qualification? How much you earn every month? What is your skin color? Which place you belong, are you from village or city? . . . . . . . . . . . It dose not really matter at all. God loved you and has chosen you.

When did God choose you?

Before the creation of the world. (Eph1:4)

1 Pet 1:20: Before the foundations of earth was laid God prepared the lamb to be slain, meaning before Gen 1:1 Before the heavens and earth was created, before God opened His mouth and said let there be light, before God created all the creation, before God made man out dust and breathed into his nostrils, before Adam and Eve fall into sin. Bible says God choose you. Hallelujah!! God in His sovereignty knew everything what would happen so He prepared Jesus (a lamb).

Why were you Chosen?

To be blameless and holy. (Eph1:4)

There was a man named job, Bible says this man was blameless and upright, even God Almighty gave a testimony about him to Satan, in Job 1:8: God said to have you considered my servant Job? There is no-one on earth like him, he is blameless and upright, fears God and shuns evil, Wow what a testimony?

If God had to tell about you, what will He tell?
God’s ultimate purpose for us as is to be transformed in the likeness of His Son Jesus Christ, Jesus too was human like you and me, He too had to go through the same temptation like you and me, but Bible says Jesus too was tempted in every way like you and me but He was without sin!

You might ask me Bro Jeevan how I can live a holy and Blameless life. I think of these things will help us:
1. Fearing God
2. Hating sin and fleeing from sin
3. Always being online with God (connected)
4. Desiring for Holiness

Note: Put Jesus in your position and think what Jesus would do if He was in your place and you too do the same.

As you read and understand God's ultimate purpose for you life, i pray the Spirit of God will over take you and help you to overcome your weaknesses and shortcomings. And a new desire to birth within you to live a life that is Pleasing to the Master in Jesus name. Amen

God Bless you

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